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Despite historic voter turnout in the 2018 and 2020 elections, the reality remains that about half of 18-29 year-olds do not vote in elections. Due to a lack of focus on the ways that youth can interact with their democracy, there are few well-known opportunities for students to become involved in the democratic process. 


The Youth Power Project empowers young people to be civic changemakers in their communities, state legislatures, and federal government.

Our Process

We take a unique three-pronged approach to youth civic engagement.


We write, pitch, and develop national coalitions for policies that increase youth civic engagement and education at the local, state, and federal levels.


We use our extensive civic engagement experiences to educate non-profits, higher education institutions, and corporations on how to intentionally engage young people.


We connect emergent civic technologies with our wide audience of young leaders and allies, while working to expand youth engagement in responsible technology.

Interested in writing a bill? Leading your own campaign? Or even just learning more? As one of our organizers, you'll have access to countless resources to accomplish changes within your community and even get the chance to participate in our nationwide campaigns! We'll make sure to keep you updated with info and opportunities to fight for voting rights.

Check out our projects below!

Interested in getting involved?
Email for more information.

Futures Agenda Youth Policy Competition
with the Futures Institute

During the summer of 2024, the Futures Institute and the Youth Power Project hosted an open call for innovative and creative policy proposals from youth aged 14 – 23 in the United States. We sought policy solutions created by young people that tackle youth opportunity, racial justice, community safety, education, housing, youth mental health, and any other issues deeply affecting youth life today.

Applicants had the chance to win one of five(5) $500 cash prizes. Finalists also received on-one training and support to refine their proposals before presenting to a panel of esteemed guest judges.


Futures Institute Youth Policy Competition Explainer
Play Video

Missed the competition! View our training materials above!


HB 2647 - Student School Board Trustees - Texas

Students are rarely consulted in conversations that affect them - especially at the local school district level. Despite students being the primary clients in education, they are excluded from the decision making process. We wrote a bill (HB 2647 by Rep. Carl Sherman) in the 88th Regular TX Legislative Session (Jan-May 2023) to give Texas school districts the option to create a non-voting student trustee position on their board of trustees. 
25 states have a local option for student representation on their school board. These positions empower students to have a voice in the decisions that directly affect them and their peers and give students the opportunity to serve their district's student body in a tangible manner.

We look forward to re-filing this bill next session and getting it to the Governor's desk.

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